河合奈保子 河合奈保子は元歌手で、シンガーソングライターとしても活躍していた実力派アイドルです。第1回西城秀樹の弟・妹コンテストでグランプリを獲得し、歌手デビューを果たしました。現在はオーストラリアに在住しており、芸能活動は行っていません。子育てが終わるまでは仕事をしないと決めているそうで、オファーがあっても全て断っていると言います。歌手デビューした娘にも、音楽活動より学業優先と言い…
Here Are The Top 20 Largest Athletes In The World -They Will Surely Make You Feel Tiny
Amazon Eve Amazon Eve has had a vast career portfolio, working as a model, an actress, and a fitness trainer. The 6’8 height trainer has us hooked with her beautiful and towering body! Not only us but…
40 Sideline Reporters Who Give You More Reasons To Watch Sports
Carissa Thompson Although broadcaster Carissa Thompson knew that she wanted to be part of the entertainment world from a young age, she also invested time in academic pursuits. This Seattle-born telev…
Estas celebridades se ven increíblemente bien pese al paso de los años.
Sofía Mazagatos – 48 años, actriz Sofía Mazagatos es conocida por ser una popular actriz y modelo de nacionalidad española que ha estado presente en diversos concursos de belleza, que aunque no …
They Have More Money Than Anyone on Earth – Left Us Simply Speechless
Harrison Ford – $300 Million Chicago-born actor Harrison Ford has been entertaining us since 1966. The actor who’ll forever be known as Indiana Jones has amassed earnings of $300 million. Ford’s…
25 Craziest World Records You Won’t Believe Exist!
Farthest Arrow Shot Using Feet In March 2018, Brittany Walsh, a circus performer, shot an arrow using just her feet. The arrow made its journey for about 12.31 meters (40 feet, 4.64 inches) till it la…
This $100 Cabin Renovation Changed an Entire Family’s Life Forever
Some people love spending their hard-earned cash on traveling or collecting designer items, but it’s safe to say that purchasing a perfect home is one of the best goals they can tick off their b…
Promi-Autos: Hättest du erraten können, welche Wagen deine Lieblingsstars fahren?
Daniela Büchner – Mercedes GLC 250d, $82.000 Daniela Büchner wurde dank ihres Mannes Jens Büchner und der Auswanderer-TV-Show “Goodbye Deutschland” berühmt. Doch seit dem viel zu frühen Tod ihre…
Hella von Sinnen Auch wenn Hella von Sinnen heute schon her als 61 Jahre alt ist, sieht sie heute besser aus als noch vor ein paar Jahren und selbst ohne Make-up macht sie eine Klasse Figur, da sie in…
40 Original Presents To Buy For Christmas 2020
Library Card On A Pillow Bookworms know the value of a good gift even though they may not like to put you through the trouble of finding the one. But what do you get for a book-lover that will …