ORNELLA MUTI EURO 7 MILIONI Ornella Muti, il cui vero nome è Francesca Romana Rivelli, è un’attrice italiana di fama internazionale: nel 1994 in America fu eletta come la donna più bella del mon…
Check These Cringe-Worthy TV Bloopers That Weren’t Edited Out
A Good Fit Will Save The Day This picture doesn’t illustrate the actual mishap, but it involved a lot more skin! We know a wardrobe malfunction can be catastrophic, and Roxana Vancea is no excep…
I patrimoni delle celebrità: scopri quanti soldi hanno in banca uno a uno!
ORNELLA MUTI EURO 7 MILIONI Ornella Muti, il cui vero nome è Francesca Romana Rivelli, è un’attrice italiana di fama internazionale: nel 1994 in America fu eletta come la donna più bella del mon…
I patrimoni delle celebrità: scopri quanti soldi hanno in banca uno a uno!
MARIA DE FILIPPI $150 MILIONI Maria De Filippi è una conduttrice e produttrice televisiva di grande successo all’interno dell’azienda Mediaset di cui rappresenta la punta di diamante. Sopr…
I patrimoni delle celebrità: scopri quanti soldi hanno in banca uno a uno!
MARA VENIER $ 30 MILIONI Mara Venier è una conduttrice televisiva e stilista italiana amatissima da pubblico. I suoi esordi risalgono agli anni ’80, quando stava iniziando la carriera di attrice…
Check These Cringe-Worthy TV Bloopers That Weren’t Edited Out
Ready for Summer Nalié López certainly caused a stir when she showed up to work wearing an outfit that was not expected for delivering a weather forecast! She must not have planned very well. Yet, the…
Check These Cringe-Worthy TV Bloopers That Weren’t Edited Out
Ready for Summer Nalié López certainly caused a stir when she showed up to work wearing an outfit that was not expected for delivering a weather forecast! She must not have planned very well. Yet, the…
Unbelievable Photos That Prove Everything in Dubai Screams Luxury
Driving A Boat In The Digital Age This amazing snap really caught our attention! It looks like it could be from an action movie, but it’s actually a real-life scene in Dubai. Some of our readers…
Check These Cringe-Worthy TV Bloopers That Weren’t Edited Out
Ready for Summer Nalié López certainly caused a stir when she showed up to work wearing an outfit that was not expected for delivering a weather forecast! She must not have planned very well. Yet, the…
Check These Cringe-Worthy TV Bloopers That Weren’t Edited Out
A Good Fit Will Save The Day This picture doesn’t illustrate the actual mishap, but it involved a lot more skin! We know a wardrobe malfunction can be catastrophic, and Roxana Vancea is no excep…